Change It Now

Owen Chiou / 2020
Project from CCW Foundation

Change It Now is a campaign project. We could launch a campaign, in any format, about anything. I created a fortune cookie to show solidarity and reassurance to the closeted members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The Starting Point

I chose “Coming Out” as my topic, which as a queer identity I could relate to personally. The project started with doing research on the subject and writing a manifesto.
I want to make sure I take this subject seriously and carefully because coming out is such a thing that requires careful and thorough thought for a certain group of LGBTQIA+ members.

Ideas and Developments

The ideas mostly came from connecting personal experiences and stories from people online. I came up with making a fortune cookie that could be fun and fascinating. Who doesn’t love a cookie with a lucky draw inside?

The Making

I have to think about every aspect of this project. From the packaging to the lucky draw inside, a simple fortune cookie takes a lot of trying and testing.

Final Product

The final product is a fortune cookie, alongside with a risograph packaging and a designed lucky draw. The simple appearance secures the targeted audience for a safer experience of the product. The QR code inside the packaging also links to a website with more information for closeted people. I would never want to “encourage” people to come out. I want to tell all the closeted people that: You’re okay. You’re more than okay. You’re worth it!
